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New school, New uniforms, and New travel plans


Dear Friends of Living Channel

We wanted to share some pictures from our Channel of Hope Ability Center this month, and then tell you about an exciting upcoming opportunity. First the pictures… 

Our teacher Alice with Elizabeth, Mutoni and Kenny in their brand new uniforms.  The uniforms were made by the mom’s in our sewing co-op. We were able to pay them for their work, and as our children travel to and from school they provide advertising for the co-op and bring in the possibility of more work, since all school children in Rwanda wear uniforms.

We now have 4 children with sponsors that allow them to attend our program. (Giza who just started is not pictured here)  We are grateful for the generous people who have chosen to sponsor them, but as word of our program spreads, parents are queuing up to send their children to our school. Sponsorship of $49/month will provide appropriate education for a child on our wait list. You will receive a picture of your child, progress reports 3 times a year, and the opportunity to send emailed letters of encouragement.  Won’t you sponsor a child today?

And now for an exciting opportunity:

In June and July of 2025 we are going to be taking a group of people to Rwanda to visit our children and help expand our program.  People can sign up for 2, 4 or 6 week slots. We will be running a summer camp, providing training for teachers in the district so that more schools can offer space to children with disabilities, providing rehabilitation training for the parents, and constructing an expansion of our classrooms, working alongside parents and local workers.  This is a great opportunity to see first hand the work of Living Channel and to help change the life of a child in need.

For more information, please go to our website.

Please fill in the skills assessment survey if you think you may be interested in coming. You will be sent more information to the email address you provide

Our new school has made us even more aware of the need for an expanded Ability Center and Sewing Coop that would provide ongoing care, education, and rehab for the children, with respite, job training and counselling for their parents. If you would like more information, click here

To partner with us donate here

To have someone come and talk to your church or group about this or other projects email us at

God bless

Esther and Julia

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