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Hunt for a Bus


Have you ever carried a small child on your back for a long distance? Think of how tired and sore you can get. Now imagine that child is growing bigger, maybe even approaching adulthood.....

In the province of Kayonza, Rwanda that is a reality for many mothers of children with disabilities. These rural moms must travel long distances carrying growing children on their backs, or risk balancing them precariously on motorcycle taxis. Living Channel Services is committed to raising $20,000 for a small bus to transport the children and their mothers safely to necessary activities.

So how can you help?

You can donate directly through our gift catalog (and get a free printable card to give away) or join us on our virtual scavenger hunt. For only $10/person or $35/family, you can have a week of fun and help us get one step closer to our goal.

Thanks to a generous donor, every dollar we raise for this project will be matched, helping us get to our goal in half the time!

Won't you join us now?

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