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Channel of Hope Disability Center and Sewing Coop is a planned wraparound rehab, education, respite, training and counselling center for children with disabilities and their parents in Rural Rwanda.  The center would provide care, education, job training, and rehab for the children, with respite, job training and counselling for their parents, leading to improved quality of life for children with disabilities.

Why do we need a disability center?

The parents in our program – mostly single parents or grandparents – need to work to provide the basic needs for their children but have no safe place to leave them where they will be cared for.


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Many of the children and their families lack access to basic healthcare because of their location. Travel is difficult and expensive. Living Channel helps where we can, but we dream of the day we can build our disability center where we will provide healthcare, rehab, and sensory therapy in their local community.

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Schooling and Vocational training in animal care and other skills will allow children with disabilities to be better accepted by their communities and help them contribute to their families income. Currently there is no place for children like Elizabeth, Mutoni, Kenny and others to get this kind of training.  Our disability center will be the first of it's kind in Rwanda and will lead to a better future for many children with disabilities.

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